Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Azylu Koci Świat

My name is Dropsik, I'm a young and not a big dog. I love people, I love playing with them. I live in a pen and I don't like it very much! I hate coming back from a walk to the pen and aunts always have to bribe me with a treat. In the pen it is sad, boring and cold! I dream of my own house and someone who would love me. Unfortunately, I do not get along with other dogs and now everyone would like to have a herd that you like and get along or at least a dog who likes other dogs on a walk. Maybe that's why I have been freezing in the kennel for the second year? It's hard for me to find a house but maybe someday I will succeed. Meanwhile, will you help me? When buying karma or visiting me? I live in Nasielsk near Warsaw. Tel. To Aunt Marta 500 707 082

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